
Thursday, March 8, 2007


Ok, so I won't lie to you. I'm mostly making this post to see if my technologically-challenged self can actually make this work. But I'm also doing this to let you guys know that the new issue of Knitty is out! Yay! For those of you who don't know... shame on you... It's a free internet magazine (Webzine? maybe there's a snazzy name for it, I don't know) with all sorts of great patterns. Check it out. It's address is

Also, anyone who wants to make me the space invaders socks is more than welcome. :)


Becki said...

got a link to those space invaders socks? I've been looking for a good sock pattern... Haha- congrats on your first post! I'm so proud of you! You have advanced to the level of beginner blogger. yay! *round of applause*


onemillionjellybeans said...

Yeah, they're on knitty... they're on the main page, so just go to and click on the space invader socks. They're pretty kick-ass.

onemillionjellybeans said...

Yeah, they're on knitty... they're on the main page, so just go to and click on the space invader socks. They're pretty kick-ass.