Post-Meeting Warm Fuzzy Feeling.
I always leave our meetings with this feeling like the world isn't such a bad place after all. Warm and fuzzy- that's all I can describe it as! You guys are great-- good people, with great stories and a sense of humor to match my own, and I'm glad to call you all my friends.
Enough of the mushy-gushy stuff, I have a pattern that some of you may be interested in. It's nothing fancy, but the yarn used is divine and they look really cool, too! (Yea, I mentioned them at Guiliani's) My sister has put up the pattern for her elbow length arm warmers. It can be found at PixiePurl, accompanied by a very beautiful photograph of the armwarmers. The sunlight hits them just so, and its-- well, it's incredibly artistic. And the kicker is that it was taken by my four-year-old niece! That girl never ceases to amaze me...
Anywho, I'll be getting the magazine with the Arwen sweater from home this weekend and shall come prepared with copies of the pattern for those interested next meeting. If you're that impatient (I would be), email me at and let me know. I'll email it to you so you can get a jump start on it.
Farewell for now! See you all soon.
Binding Off~~~ Becki